

Shopaholic is an e-commerce site. I developed this during my undergraduate studies using Node.js and React integrating three APIs: E-Commerce, Bank, and Supplier APIs. This platform allows users to browse products, make purchases, and track their orders. Here, I implemented a transaction flow where users make payments, the e-commerce pays the supplier, and the supplier delivers products to the shipping address.

Technoloy: React, Node.js, MongoDB || code


Brevity is a blog site for experience and resource sharing which I developed during my 6th semester of undergraduate studies for database management system (DBMS) course using the Flask framework. This platform enables experts to share their knowledge and experiences, while beginners can seek guidance and access valuable resources.

Technoloy: Flask, MySQL || code || Demo

Dynamic Programming Simulator (DP simulator)

I developed a visualizer for simulating dynamic programming (DP) problems using JavaFX during my third semester of undergraduate studies. Since I found no existing DP simulator, I decided to build one. This project can simulate six different types of dynamic programming based problems e.g., 0-1Knapsack, Coin Change, Longest Increasing Subsequence, Longest Common Subsequence, Matrix Chain Multiplication, Edit Distance.

Technoloy: JavaFX || code